Community Café

The Prajnya Community Café series aims to bring together a group of people who know each other (residents of a building complex, for example), to have a frank, honest conversation on gender violence. The group gathers informally on a Sunday evening from 5-6pm and participates in a discussion facilitated by Prajnya on any aspect of gender violence that may be especially relevant to the group.

Previous community cafés have focused on 'bystander interventions', or what we can do when we witness sexual harassment. The purpose of this series is to overcome to sense of helplessness that many of us feel when witnessing violence, or experiencing it ourselves, and most importantly, to end the pervasive silence surrounding this issue.

If you and your neighbours are interested in hosting a community café, please email: [email protected]

Interactive Workshops

The Prajnya team has been invited to conduct short (2-3 hour) and day-long workshops at various institutions. Our pedagogy is interactive, and our objective is to define the problem as well as create a sense of agency in the participants.

Gender Sensitization and Gender Violence The purpose is to introduce participants to gender issues as well as recognize how pervasive gender-based violence is in everyday life. The sessions briefly review legal and other responses to violence.

Street Sexual Harassment Usually held in tandem with Hollaback! Chennai activities, the objective of these workshops is to recognize street sexual harassment as a grave instance of violence. Further, we encourage participants to explore ways of breaking the silence around this everyday reality.

Domestic Violence In the sessions we organize on domestic violence, we address the context, experience and needs of specific professional groups like health-care providers and beauticians. We have also reached out to members of self-help groups around Chennai.

Worksplace Sexual Harassment Our training sessions on workplace sexual harassment are sought out by companies seeking to comply with the requirements of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Each session addresses the challenges of recognizing and responding to workplace sexual harassment.
More information here.

Special topics Prajnya also has occasional workshops and programmes on gender issues and gender violence as they relate to media reportage, screen-writing, media literacy, conflict and militarization.


The GRIT@Prajnya Blog
The Blue Pencil

GRITPrajnya YouTube Channel

Call for Help

Hollaback! Chennai

Campaign Chronicle
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What's in a game?
Recipes against VAW

GRIT Publications